This is the patent for Acer touchscreen.

How to copyright a band name

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Another blog about computer tech, great huh? This time it will be about booting computers. Booting a computer is the action of a computer bringing itself to a working state without the person having to do anything. There are two types of boots, a soft boot and a hard boot.  Hard boot is stressful on the computer. A soft boot is better for your computer. Also you can learn how to troubleshoot a PC problem.  That is just fancy talk for figuring out the problem. Once you figure out the question the answer usually is right in front of you. There are usually four steps to solving a PC problem. 1.) Interview the user 2.) Take appropriate action 3.) Analyze the problem 4.) Test the system. There are different things to do in each step to help you to get the desired destination. 

Kernels, and clusters and, shells! Oh my! How in the world does someone fix all this? It’s called trouble shooting. There are many handy- dandy tools that are pretty convenient to find and make this a whole lot easier, like flat- head screwdriver, tweezers, recovery CDs, and extractors.  Plus a lot more but it’s probably not good for me to mention them, don’t want to make this blog lifeless and dry right? I can tell what you’re thinking; your blog post is about fixing a darn computer! It can’t get any more boring than that! Don’t worry it will get better.

Alrighty, let’s talk about a recovery CD. It can be used for rebooting and the repairing of a Windows Operating System.  There are many different types of recovery CDs. The type you use depends on what type of PC you own. If it’s a Dell, Gateway or IBM you just use the one that came in the box. You can’t use the same one for everything because the manufacturers can make changes to the computers. There is also loop –back plugs that test ports. Cleaning pads well, of course, clean the computer which is important because all that dirt just gets in the way. And that’s not just coming from a clean freak. It’s a fact.

There is also stuff to do that prevents problems from sneaking up on you. It’s called preventive maintenance. It’s your responsibility to keep good backups of data and system files. You need to document all setup, changes, problems, and solutions. Then you won’t question if you forgot to do something. Well I hope this helped. 

Columbia University- you have to have a composite score of 34 and in English and Math a 35 on the ACT. It only accepts the top 7% . On the SAT you have to have a 780 on the reading, 790 on the math and 780 in the writing. Most accepted individuals have a 4.0 grade point average.  

Princeton University – you have to have a composite score of 34 and in English and Math a 35 on the ACT. It only accepts the top 8%. On the SAT you have to have a 790 in the reading, 800 in math and 790 in writing. Most accepted individuals have a 4.0 grade point average.  

Harvard University- you have to have a composite score of 35 and in English and Math a 35 on the ACT. It only accepts the top 6%. On the SAT you have to have a 790 in the reading, 800 in math and 790 in writing. Most accepted individuals have a 4.0 grade point average.  




We all love reading that big, red mark on an assignment we worked really hard on right? But this isnt one of those A+. A+ is a textbook that teaches us about computers. You can even take a test on it later and it looks really good on a application. Sweet! So here is what I learned today form this.
         1. A binary number system only has two digits and it is what computers read. 
         2. A bit is a binary number digit, either 0 or 1. 
         3. The most important component of a computer is the CPU.
         4. The CPU is also called microprosesor. 
         5. A keyboard is the primary input device.
         6. A hard copy when you are talking about a printer is paper.   
         7. A circuit board is a board that holds microchips
         8. A peripheral device is a device that inst installed directly on the mother board.   
         9. Serial part transmits data serially.                                   
        10. A chipset is a group of micr
Mr. Huggins started of the class with a question. What if there was no electricity, no phone, no lights? How long would we be able to survive? Well I immediately thought of the show Revolution in which there is no electricity whatsoever. I would go to my grandparents house and get lots of people in the house so in case we got robbed. They have well water and they live close to lake plus my papa has guns. But I sure would miss Duck Dynasty.
My weekend was pretty good. Friday I was just hanging out. The usual, TV and food. Except for right after school, I helped set up Christmas open house for Saturday  Then we got up the next morning and went to the open house at my church. Which is a thing we do for the kids so they can pick out Christmas gifts for their parents for free. Did that, picked out some stuff for my Holiday shopping. Then I had to march in the Christmas parade. Fortonalty  it wasn't to cold and made it without any major mess ups. Then we went to church Sunday. It was really good. But my dad got sick again. Please pray for him. thanks 
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    Alix McKenna            Nelson

    As you can see, my name is Alix.  And I am a jesusfreak. my favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17. 

