Kernels, and clusters and, shells! Oh my! How in the world does someone fix all this? It’s called trouble shooting. There are many handy- dandy tools that are pretty convenient to find and make this a whole lot easier, like flat- head screwdriver, tweezers, recovery CDs, and extractors.  Plus a lot more but it’s probably not good for me to mention them, don’t want to make this blog lifeless and dry right? I can tell what you’re thinking; your blog post is about fixing a darn computer! It can’t get any more boring than that! Don’t worry it will get better.

Alrighty, let’s talk about a recovery CD. It can be used for rebooting and the repairing of a Windows Operating System.  There are many different types of recovery CDs. The type you use depends on what type of PC you own. If it’s a Dell, Gateway or IBM you just use the one that came in the box. You can’t use the same one for everything because the manufacturers can make changes to the computers. There is also loop –back plugs that test ports. Cleaning pads well, of course, clean the computer which is important because all that dirt just gets in the way. And that’s not just coming from a clean freak. It’s a fact.

There is also stuff to do that prevents problems from sneaking up on you. It’s called preventive maintenance. It’s your responsibility to keep good backups of data and system files. You need to document all setup, changes, problems, and solutions. Then you won’t question if you forgot to do something. Well I hope this helped. 

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    Alix McKenna            Nelson

    As you can see, my name is Alix.  And I am a jesusfreak. my favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17. 

